there is now an even bigger sense of emergency. It has started to rain here and we are expecting 1 to 2 inches of rain tonight and more through the next few days. They have again raised the crest of the river. They now say the river could reach 39.5 to 41 feet. 41 feet is 23 feet above flood stage. While driving through town, these trucks are what were all over town. Moving sand for sandbags, moving dirt for dikes and levees, and of course moving sandbags. The Mayor said we would need more than a million sandbags. They are now saying we will need 900,000 more. As I was driving I could feel the sense of urgency. I had that nervous feeling in my stomach of what we are about to recieve. The fury of nature. Here it comes
What is Journaling and Why Do It?
6 years ago
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